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So far admin has created 42 blog entries.

Learn the Basics of Search Engine Optimization

How to get to the Top of a Search Result How does a search engine know to show you a page? We’ve all used Google before, but maybe we didn’t think about the work that goes into getting a website to register on search engines. It can be difficult to wrap our heads around, and the science behind it is always fluctuating and changing. From your computer [...]

Learn the Basics of Search Engine Optimization2024-08-23T14:44:23+00:00

Finding a Marketing Agency in Cleveland That is Right for You

Locating the Type of Agency that Fits Your Business You are looking for a company for your Cleveland business. You realized it was the right time in your journey to hire an agency to handle your social media, website, video production, and public relations. The only downside to finding a marketing agency in Cleveland will be the sheer number of them, and how each one can be [...]

Finding a Marketing Agency in Cleveland That is Right for You2024-08-22T16:04:45+00:00

The Power of Print Media

Printing Out Success for Your Business The second oldest form of advertising is print media, and it comes second only to word of mouth. Printing out brochures, menus, advertisements, or even business cards has become less practiced in the modern era, but the tangible power of holding an advertisement in your hand is powerful. In fact, since print media has fallen out of style the odds of [...]

The Power of Print Media2024-08-16T14:31:44+00:00

Getting Graphic in Cleveland

How Graphic Design Can Help Your Business Seeing the logo of the Cleveland Browns is a quintessential part of being a Clevelander. In fact, you should not be able to call yourself a Clevelander if you can’t recognize that orange helmet anywhere you go. This insight is focused on graphic design, what it is, and what to expect from graphic designers who work with your business right [...]

Getting Graphic in Cleveland2024-08-14T14:56:00+00:00

Acting Tips for Business Owners While Filming

Advertising Your Business by Acting like, well, an Actor Video marketing has become the most effective and popular way to reach large audiences across the internet and television. Acting is an important part of video production, and if you want to advertise your business, you’ll need to become an actor, temporarily. You have seen a YouTube video, you have watched a video online, and you have seen [...]

Acting Tips for Business Owners While Filming2024-08-21T15:40:31+00:00

How to Build an Email Marketing Campaign

The Best Way to Reach Your Audience is with Email Email is the most generic form of communication in the world. It outpaces text messages, phone calls, physical mail, and surprisingly telegrams. That was a joke, we are having fun. Email is surprisingly engaging, and it is almost impossible for a working individual to NOT have an email in today’s world. One often forgotten benefit of email [...]

How to Build an Email Marketing Campaign2024-08-02T14:51:35+00:00

The Benefits of Livestreaming for Your Business in 2024

Creating a Community to Drive Sales while Livestreaming In the next four years the livestreaming industry is estimated to reach an industry value of $250 billion annually. This year, in 2024 the value is just barely over $100 billion, so before you read through this insight just know that we are speaking to companies that want to begin livestreaming to not only grow their business, but to [...]

The Benefits of Livestreaming for Your Business in 20242024-07-31T14:42:21+00:00

What is a Website Map?

How to Lay the Foundation for Website Development A website map (sitemap) is the bare-bones skeleton used to create the pages for a website. A good web developer can take a sitemap and turn it into a fully functioning website with little trouble, unless it is an incredibly elaborate design. You'll start with your basic "Home, About Us, Services, Contact, etc. Depending on your business, or brand, [...]

What is a Website Map?2024-07-29T14:53:23+00:00

How to Make Your Zoom Calls Look Professional

Portray Yourself in a Presentable Manner on Zoom Calls with These Tips and Tricks Most professional settings have some sort of video conferencing in their day-to-day operations. This is a recent change from strictly in-office meetings, and some people might not be technically advanced enough to understand how a computer uses a camera and microphone. We have compiled a short list of tips to help you look [...]

How to Make Your Zoom Calls Look Professional2024-07-26T13:44:23+00:00

2024 Social Media Marketing Trends in Cleveland

Get in Touch with the 2024 Social Media Fads Memes are a never-ending cycle of funny, informative, or entertaining gags that have been appearing on the internet since their conception. Long before the internet we called memes “tropes” as in literary or story-telling devices that were overdone or overused to the extreme. They are fads. You may be against the mainstream idea of entertainment, but when you [...]

2024 Social Media Marketing Trends in Cleveland2024-07-24T13:03:34+00:00